
Friday, 3 November 2017

how to find out how may documents are in your document libraries on a particular SharePoint site

Today, in this article we are going to see how to find out how may documents are in your document libraries on a particular SharePoint site? You can use this script to point to a particular site, or even the root site, and get that information quickly and easily.

1. Download the script and save as Get-SPDocumentCount.ps1
2. Edit the file and change the PARAM section and change $RootSite to the root URL of your SharePoint site.
3. Edit $ReportPath to where you want the script to save your report and save the file.

Script must be run on your SharePoint server.


Param (
    [string]$RootSite = "https://test.portal/lobalcr/eam",
    [string]$ReportPath = "c:\reports"
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

$Webs = Get-SPWeb -Site $RootSite -Filter { $_.Template -like "*" } -Limit ALL | Where { $_.URL -like "$Site*" }
$Result = @()
ForEach ($Web in $Webs)
{   ForEach ( $List in $Web.Lists )
    {   $Result += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            'Library Title' = $List.Title
            Count = $List.Items.Count
            'Site Title' = $Web.Title
            URL = $Web.URL
            'Library Type' = $List.BaseType
$Result | Select 'Site Title',URL,'Library Type','Library Title',Count | Export-Csv "$ReportPath\SPListReport.csv" -NoTypeInformation

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