Today, in this article we are going to see how
to find out how may documents are in your document libraries on a particular
SharePoint site? You can use this script to point to a particular site, or even
the root site, and get that information quickly and easily.
1. Download the script and save as
2. Edit the file and change the PARAM
section and change $RootSite to the root URL of your SharePoint site.
3. Edit $ReportPath to where you want the
script to save your report and save the file.
Script must be run on your SharePoint
Param (
[string]$RootSite = "https://test.portal/lobalcr/eam",
[string]$ReportPath = "c:\reports"
Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$Webs = Get-SPWeb -Site $RootSite -Filter {
$_.Template -like "*" } -Limit ALL | Where { $_.URL -like
"$Site*" }
$Result = @()
ForEach ($Web in $Webs)
ForEach ( $List in $Web.Lists )
{ $Result += New-Object PSObject
-Property @{
'Library Title' = $List.Title
Count = $List.Items.Count
'Site Title' = $Web.Title
URL = $Web.URL
'Library Type' = $List.BaseType
$Result | Select 'Site Title',URL,'Library
Type','Library Title',Count | Export-Csv
"$ReportPath\SPListReport.csv" -NoTypeInformation
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